Sunday, August 31, 2008



It has been 51 years since our late Tunku Abdul Rahman shouted those phrases on the podium at Stadium Merdeka.

Since then,

Malaysia has been flourishing and progressing into a modern country.

The peace and harmony of the three races; Malay, Chinese & Indian has formed this beautiful country, Malaysia.

The modern city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Let us, Malaysians fly our flag high,

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National Anthem of Malaysia

Malay Version:

Negaraku, tanah tumpahnya darahku,
Rakyat hidup, bersatu dan maju,
Rahmat bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita, selamat bertakhta.
Rahmat bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan,
Raja kita, selamat bertakhta.

English Version:

My country, the land where my blood is spilt,
The people live united and progressive,
Blessings of happiness, may God grant,
(And that) our King may reign in peace.
Blessings of happiness, may God grant,
(And that) our King may reign in peace.

I am proud of being a Malaysian citizen. Negaraku!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

What's next?

A hair-do will just be the right thing-to-do.

It's been a while since I last had my hair trimmed.

Too long as expected,

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Feeling the grassy-touch behind.

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Guess... it is no other place to go except to the hair saloon.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Men's Health August Edition

I was at Mid Valley last Sunday. I was there to accompany my brother to get his hair-do. While waiting, I went to nz magazine center to get my monthly doze of Men's Health Magazine.

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Felt so gay when I first looked at the front-cover. Six-packs.

What makes the magazine sell like hot-cakes are the big headlines printed on the front-cover of the magazine. I browsed through those printings after looking at the man with six-packs. I saw this,


I was like, "sure boh?". I decided to have a read-out. Maybe the article makes sense.

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I am weak at these topics in practical and in real-life situation. I was like ringing the love-doctor but only this time it was silent and only mend for my eyes.

I flipped the pages to the page where I was interested in; "SEDUCE ANY WOMAN ANY TIME".

The supposed page,

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Give me a break, do I have to go for classes? I suffered my time during schooling days and now classes for love. Boy give me a break.

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Yeah, classes can be done while going out with friends and seeing how they react to each other. Looking at other couples response to each other is another way. Are there classes for relationship? Hmmm..

Here are a few hints in the article on how to make the right move. It might work and it might not but these are a few crucial points. Frankly, it comes from the heart and lots of effort.

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Summary of each point :-


Your girl might be a great dancer. A belladonna on the dance floor. Take up some dancing lessons. There are classes such as Dance Space (Tel:03-62018032), SMASH (03-61407047) and Dance Spirit ( Or you can join in any gym for dancing lessons.


Strife to join her flock of friends unless you want to call-it-a-day. No doubt it is boring and dull, it is important to get along with her buddies. Make some effort to know them and not sulk.


Be yourself. Do what she demanded you to do no doubt it sounds silly. But if the joke is on you, just feel free to walk away.


No doubt there are nice restaurants or dining areas outside, but it is nice to cook a meal just to show your appreciation and skills in the kitchen. Go for cooking lessons or ask your mum for some recipe.

Here is another interesting article.

Malaysia's very own fashion icon, model and beauty person, Amber Chia.

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Here is what Amber Chia got to say,


Have a date with your partner and it doesn't need to be something rough such as camping out, just go for a movie or watch tv at home. Do something together.


With the stressful schedule, take some time off with your partner and go traveling. Probably somewhere historic or remarkable.


The capital E is a big no-no. Try to act simple and less egoistic.


Let nature takes its course. If two are mend for each other, no matter what, nothing can separate both parties.


Honestly is the best policy. Thou shall not bare false witness.

Some extra clues and hints. Take a closer look.

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True or not? It is for you to conclude. The most important thing in a relationship is transparency and trust.

Courtesy of Men's Health (August Edition)

Monday, August 25, 2008

A Man's Needed Toy.

Mobility is crucial in our daily lives today. We are not fixed to one place for long we normally travel from one place to another. We either walk, run, being ferried, skate, pony-ride, fly, skate, bike, and so on.

A car is a necessity in one's life today. A good and reliable car is definitely a plus. Put aside the issue of high petrol prices and think about the benefits of owning a vehicle.

Perodua has came out with the new Perodua MyVi. There are a few new toys added to further improve its demand and to entice the young and vibrant to drive one.

The new facility added is the bluetooth which is only in the 1.3L Premium model. The rest of the goodies will be mp3 & WMA capability.

The front view.
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The rare view.
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The new MyVi comes with auto or manual transmission which comes with either 1.0L or the 1.3L engine capacity.

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A definitely good buy and worth every penny given the quality and performance plus the touching that Perodua had placed into the latest MyVi model.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Light after Darkness.

The picture below may happen to us in some point of our life.

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A ray of light and everything seems gloomy. You feel goofy. Everything doesn't seem to go your way. You feel a negative force pulling you back.

Don't feel dishearten.

You are perfectly normal just went out of steam and luck.

Don't give up but try.

You'll some how find this,

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All you have to do is smile & happy always.


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Still Alive.

Day after day and I am still breathing. Each day tells a different story. In a day, there can be multiple happenings and outcomes. I am still amaze, why am I still living?

After all the wrong doings I have done, I am still up and running. After all those nerve wrecking actions I have done, I am still seeing light. I am just blessed to see another day.

There are many things that I want to know but unable to do so. Answers that are aught to be answered but I get no reply. As time passes by, I just treat those as clueless statements. Why?

I feel that there is a God. Looking after me while yet allowing me to do things that I would love to do. Some of them are illegal in the contacts of this paragraph.

Falls after falls, I grew to learn that He above would want us to do the right thing. It is not by luck but by grace. God is so merciful that every time when I go against his will, he will bring me back to the right path. This is not coincidence but reality.

Time is precious. I feel that I have kept time as my master. The only possible reaction I can do now is to turn time and do what I am suppose to do. I have so many goals in life, it is like flowing rivers and I can only achieve them part by part.

The answer to all my sorrows is change. It takes time but it is worth the effort. Oh well, here goes my new chapter.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Nasi Lemak @ DDP, Taman Desa

Feeling hungry? Need to find somewhere nice to eat in Kuala Lumpur? You have come to the right site.

Feel like warming your body?

Need some fats?

Drive to Taman Desa food-court, DDP. Taman Desa is a few minutes ride from the city center. One can take a city cab or a bus from Klang Bus Stop. The number of the bus is U72.

The map to Taman Desa's Food Court,

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A plate of Nasi Lemak (Fat Rice) with slices of drumstick.

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Above is one of the possible combination

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The name of the stall is SUBANG JAYA Nasi Lemak. Besides the normal beans, sambal (blended chili toppings), cucumber and egg, there are other types of food such as beef, chicken, kampung fish and so on.

Rating: 4.5/5

Environment: 4/5

Petrol Prices Reduced Today!

Good News!!

The price of petrol in Malaysia will be reduced to between RM 0.10 and RM 0.30. This is due to the fall in demand for oil nationwide. The demand of oil has reduced tremendously over the past few weeks. Click here to read more about the phenomena which causes the world price of oil to drop.

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The graph above is taken from on the 23rd August at 2 a.m. which shows the world price for crude oil is below USD 120.

There will be a reduction of RM 0.15 for the normal unleaded petrol (RON97) and RM 0.22 for the (RON92) which is RM 2.55 and RM 2.40 respectively.

As for Diesel, there will be a reduction of RM 0.08 from RM 2.58. A figure of RM 2.50/ liter.

The V-Power pump still remain at RM 3.55.

Source from

Learn more about RON92 & RON97 here

Friday, August 22, 2008

Life of A Sales Man.

What is a company without its sales personal? The same goes to a car without wheels. The life of a sales man is in fact not easy, but it is never at all difficult.

Who is a SALES personal? Any takers?

"Sale personals are people who obviously want your money BUT a caring and responsible salesman gives you time to breath and to make a choice."

Where can you find them?

"Anywhere as long as there are groups of people around."

Needless to say we are all salesman and saleswoman without us noticing. Huh? You, me, she, he, it are categories of a salesman? *eyes wide open*

You might be thinking I am talking nonsense. Wait, let me proof it to you.

*Wipe sweats*

Second definition of salesman :-

Sales personals are people who are given the responsibility and trust to sell a product of one or more company(ies), and sales is all about selling an idea and finally a service or product is exchanged for a mode called cash. Aren't we selling our ideas day in and day out while some of our ideas are rejected by people no doubt it is true?

The above definition will definitely proof a point. We are all salesman without us realizing. Somehow we are selling and most of the time we are selling our ideas and thoughts.

Here is a video clip powered by YouTube. Yellowcard - Life of A Sales Man.

A good salesman knows how to plan out their time, get themselves organized, ready to face questions and hurdles and most importantly, sales help a person to be more extrovert and expressive.

Traits of a SALESMAN

1. Positive thinking.

2. Friendly. (obvious trait)

3. Caring and educative. (an oxymoron)

4. Knowledgeable. (products & overall)

He & She See, But I've Seen.

We all have our own dreams and vision. It is common that we see our dreams and vision of the present time and not in the near future.

We continue to fulfill our dreams if everything runs smoothly BUT we give up when we are in a deserted situation. We see that there is no light in what we are doing so we give up.

I am 23 years old. I have experienced many of life's challenges that everyone will some point of time go through. I've dream big but honestly gave up at some point of time.

I was naive during my younger days and was complacent and took things lightly without giving in a fight. As I grew older, I somehow felt that I should have done better and should have fought my way and to improve myself always.

As a logic person, I didn't looked back but I told myself to move forward and always keep improving.

Dreaming is alright but dreaming cum reality is something that all of us have to work on. The recipe is nothing but hard work and consistency. Patience and also an open-mind is the extra spices.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Part 1: Malaysia's Delicacies

Malaysia is the Heaven for food. That is the reason why I never leave Malaysia.

Malaysia being a multi-racial country, is the land of milk and honey for all kinds of food. The food that can be found here comes from all around the globe if not the whole world.

A cup of hot chocolate which has its local brand named 'Milo' by Nestle and a cup of 'teh tarik' (tea mix with condense milk).

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Anyone for some local noodles? Introducing the local Chinese noodles; Wan Tan Mee. The toppings are roasted pork chopped into pieces and some sweet black source.

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Looking for Western food or Eastern food? The answer can be found here in Malaysia.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

No Pain, No Gain

It was the slightest of touches and fate brought me down to earth. The slippery steps of my ladder and the clumsiness of my two feet were the consequences stated below.

The injury was substantial but the pain was something that I would never forget. The pain that would change my life for the better if not worst.

I was cleaning the top of my cupboard on the 17th of this month and lady's luck wasn't at my side and I fell.

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The sanity that I have to go through wasn't worth it at first but I it was a teacher in disguise.

The mark on my left elbow will always be a sign for me to be careful. The unbearable pain which occur to me during the past two and a half days will be a bitter pill for me to swallow.

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