Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hero Always Die

Oh ya, HERO always die.

-The End-

Saturday, September 27, 2008


1 + 1 = 3

In real life, if you do the math the answer given is highly impossible. Okay, one fat stroke from you maths teacher. Kid cries.

The kid later finds out that in reality there is such thing as 1 + 1= 3. He becomes wiser.

Yes, there is such thing as 1 + 1 = 3

It is found in a subject called, finance. Investment.

Obviously, the extra one out of the answer three is the interest added on. Pstt..

This kid comes from a rich family. He wasn't told of the down side, loses.

He either becomes




The answer is yet to be known.

What they DON'T tell us?

Open conversation is very important.

The degree of openness is another matter.

Today, it is so difficult to tell the truth.

It is like a needle poking.

Everyone can be a potential liar. Due to unforeseen circumstances.

Everyone dies a liar. How ironic?

Well, I would be the only sane insane guy who will be voicing out.

To lie or not to lie? It is the question.

Alright, Lieeeeeeeee...

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Boy

There are lots of brands with the name boy behind it.

My all time favorite, Game Boy;

Super Mario, Tetris, Pokemon and so on are some of my favorite games.

Next, would be boys all time favorite magazine, Playboy

Playboy Bunny

I hope this is not obscene because it is NOT,

Sara Jean Underwood

Last but not least, my favorite 'Roti Boy', some call it 'Roti Boi',

All the boy(s) makes the word boy a popular word.

Boy...oh Boy

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Prayer for a BETTER DAY~

I kneel down to pray. I raise my hands.

Oh merciful Lord,

I pray to thee to give me light.

Let me walk a normal life.

Take away all my worries and give me wisdom and understanding.

Thou has blessed me with a family.

A house, a dog and so on.

Oh Lord, protect me and give me strength inwardly and also outward.


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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Titleless Post

I prefer to be sober when I thought of posting up this post.

I guess I am less fortunate compared to the more fortunate compatriots.

People talk highly about themselves, that is because they are fortunate and born having a silver-spoon in their mouth.

I am lucky in the sense that I get to go through the hard challenge so that I can sharpen my BEARINGS. I am unlucky in the sense, money don't come easy for me.

Singular or Plural


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15 seconds.

What can I do in 15 seconds?


Mind Sweeper

The interface of the whole game.

I know I will be beaten by someone but this is so far my best score.

Monday, September 22, 2008


I was tagged by Ning.

1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a post of their own 15 weirdthings/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tag backs!!

Here it goes,

1. Feel weird about the opposite sex torso.

2. Laugh like a baboon, it is because that thing was really funny.

3. Love Beckham, *not a gay, ya*

4. Love Indian, Malay, and the Bumi(s).

5. Acting rich and is rich at heart *hint*.

6. Digging my nose when there is nothing in it. Feel happy when can dig something out.

7. Teasing people especially girls.

8. *Killing my maths teacher for confusing me.

9. Paying for his friend's meals.

10. Pressuring everyone's rice cooker. Literally

11. Hitting on those who are good and bad

12. Starts cursing when alone.

13. Curse on the road, and all the signs start coming out.

14. Jump up and down while watching football, but now very seldom.

15. Being me.

Those who got tagged:

1. Benjamin Tan

2. Aaron Soh

3. Aaron Chua

4. Satkuru

5. Sue Lin

6. maRCus Tan (my twin brother)

7. Huay Phing

8. Christopher

9. Dinisha

10. Sasa

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A sincere THANKS.

Nowadays I guess there is not much sincerity, people just go by doing their own business. The worst part is differences. Differences here means different clan, language and etc.

Well, I am not alone.

Thanks to those who have gave me words of encouragement. No doubt it is all typed, I know the content of their hearts and I would like to express my gratitude.

I am up and ready because I belief in myself. And to do the right thing.

Thanks again.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Humble Beginning..






He is no other than, Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow.

Tan Sri is a man of WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING.

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Banking Through Breed

Born in the year of a horse, he runs a mile and never give up trying. He is a true sprinter. Yet, he is careful.

Tan Sri started the Public Bank in the year 1966 with only $1,000 at 1,000 units. Today, he is worth millions.

A man of true vision. A man who had a dream. Tan Sri, has done Malaysia proud.

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Friday, September 19, 2008


I wish to START and REBOOT myself.

I am getting all tangled up. My inner soul is not aligned with my physical being.

I need to seek help. At least to talk to someone.

The feeling of hanging myself is tingling in my mind.

Is it because of my innocence? Or is it my guilt. *I am confuse*

Here is a note to all my friends, if you don't ever hear from me again, you should know where I am.

I feel like crumbling. I need serious help.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Believe me or not, I am not who I am. It is hard to tell the truth but I am NOT who I am if you really get what I mean. Those who don't, I am just too sorry but to accept your ignorance.

I am not a fan of you. I am not your supporter. I am neither your love BUT I am who I am and that will never change the fact that I am, me.

I am trying too hard at times until my friends just inevitably inform me to take it easy. It is easy to talk about the future but it is not easy to achieve it. Here goes again my negative thoughts but I just can't help myself but to blog it here.

The world is a temporarily container for me to pass by this carnal life. I am willing but unable to foresee the next life. I am trying my level best to search for it. Life is complicated as I am not sure where I would be standing or breathing. I can only foresee what is manageable BUT cannot reach those unforeseen circumstances.

I prefer not to trouble myself but to see light in every pit falls and path I take.

A mission of a soldier is to fight in a war and to come back in one piece. His life is at risk BUT his honor and pride for his country is at hand. Isn't it worth risking his life?

Man is a destroyer of his own creation. I am in no position to strike about this but to embrace it with a disgusting feeling. Like I mention earlier, I am not who I am.

The economy is a KING of its own principalities. The rich get richer and the poor just have to bear the consequences. It is a Tom and Jerry game. I prefer to call it, "ratty race". Giants do fail, due to their pride, it is of course natural. The saying, what goes up will come down is a clear message. Take an example, a balloon filled with water until its brim, in the end it will over flow and worst, burst.

The anger and anguish in me is just excruciating BUT I can only reduce it with my love ones at home, if there is any home. Yet, I have to move on.

Ahh..the carnal life that I face is the trade to my physical and spiritual being..What can I do? I only embrace it and hope for some luck and guidance from above.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Face it, we all suffer to a certain degree to gain a living. We struggle to be the best, in our daily routine, relationships and so on. Yes, I know. They say nothing is easy, and I can't disagree with that.

I am with all of you out there because I know how it feels. The traffic, the cursing, every single act we do we are afraid we will offend another and the next thing, a fight arises.

Once I'm done, I am definitely going to enjoy myself.

What is life? After all those struggles and hardship that we have to go through.

A typical example, one day I was in my car and it was sunny hot. The air-condition of my car wasn't working and my brother and me have to suffer the heat. What the hell?

These sufferings are temporarily at every point of our life. A hard lesson to learn but it will be something of value in the future. Most of the rich man come from a humble beginning and with their effort and strength, they are where they are today. At the level best.

The excruciating pain and feeling really boils to the max. Sometimes it goes up to the max. Yet, I have to control it as I know the fruit will bear.

Vanity is vanity all is vanity. I always think, what if I gain the whole world and yet lose my soul, is it worth it? Don't misunderstand, I am not saying we must give up everything and be holy. Religious teachings are a check and balance for me as I don't go over board. To a certain extend, the statement is vague to a certain degree.

I just wish to have strength and wisdom to overcome this struggles.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Do It

It is all in the mind.

The act of being scared is a total disaster. No wonder Nike came out with the word, "Nike Just Do It". The phrase is no ordinary 4 words, but it is a true meaning of the brand Nike.

Nike is daring enough.

Nike is after all Nike. It is the equity of the brand that spells out Nike.

Thinking positive is a trade. Patience is all that it needs.

Feelings and rejuvenation is latent. It only can be measured in terms of a scale of 1 to 10.

Concept is the key to unlock mysteries. I am not in the position to tell you all but I can tell you this much.

Research and research is the only key factor.

Need not to explain further, hope you all find your own way.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Feel bored? Having some spare time?

Grab the local New Straits Times and flip to the last page.

Above the top left-hand corner, there is a small box which has a grid of 9 times 9.

Try and complete it.

Below is a game of SUDOKU,

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A game of sudoku really makes one mind think. The combinations and the possibility is like solving a secret code with an amount of clues provided in the beginning.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tyre Readings.

Ever tried inflating your tires?

Here are a few points which will keep you well inform about your car tires.

Here is a tire.

Below are some tire specifications.

The brand is Michelin, underlined in red. The circle which is sprayed in blue is the measurement of the tire. The width of the tire is 215 mm. The tire is 60% of the section in height to width. The R shows the tire is radial constructed. The rims is 16 inch. The brown color circle indicates that the tire is tubeless.

Above is the amount of weight the tire can support and the P.S.I reading. The weight is evenly distributed to four tires. This is important as putting the wrong measurement of pressure might cause severe damage.

The New European Kit for Manchester United.

The previous post, I have posted up a portrait of a few unknown United players. Click here.

This post, I will show who are the actual players behind the unknown mask.

Here they are,

The players names are,

1. C. Ronaldo

2. Ryan Giggs

3. Wayne Rooney

4. Owen Hargreaves

The only answer was from CrazyWrazy and he got 75% of it correct.

Introducing the new European blue kit for Manchester United (2008/09)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

My opposite number, Trouble.

Trouble is naughty, shitty, witty, cold, harmful and etc.

My dad used to say, once there is peace, there is always Mr. Trouble lurking.

I find it very true.

Positive thinking people might look at trouble as a friend while those who are scared, face trouble as their foe.

Trouble is nothing without something. Yes, trouble is activated by either someone or nature.

Face it, life is full of trouble.

Our mum's faced pain during delivery and 9 months of sufferings while conceiving us.

Every little mishap is a potential trouble.

Maths is troublesome. They need some brains to think.

Going to work is a trouble. Traffic jam and also grumpy bosses.

Trouble was my best friend since young.

You are the biggest fat liar if you say you don't have any trouble. Unless you are not a living object.

Trouble can be controlled. It takes time and correct decisions to overcome trouble.

Some ignore trouble or avoid them. I can't blame them. No, I can't.

I can't call them selfish neither can I call them great.

Face it, coming out from trouble is a SUCCESS.

Man's life is short and full of trouble.

Finally, A' Cut Above.

Reasons for having a hair-cut?

Mr here has an interview later on today at 9 A.M.

Secondly, the long hair I had was irritating and disturbing.

No choice, have to give it a cut.


Mr. M went to Mid Valley yesterday evening to get himself a hair-cut at A cutAbove.

Here goes my hair-cut.

My new hair-style. Slope at the sides and back and spike at the top.

Below is a coupon where after four times of haircut at different occasions, one free-cut will be offered.

Now I feel much better and comfortable.

Label(s): "What's next?", 2nd Blog.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A dish called, "Simplest Mee".

Here is one dish where you only need to put in minimal amount of effort.

It doesn't taste that awful. It is eatable.

I was hungry one night, and I decided to cook.

I thought of an idea. I found this recipe which was hidden in my mind.

I introduce to you, "Simplest Mee". It is konlo style (dried serving).

Take a look below at how the above picture was made,

Ketchup, soya-source, brown pepper and a packet of mee

Ketchup, soya-source and pepper mixed together.

Boiled water. Pour the mee into the boiling water. Let is dissolved.

Mix the mee with a pair of chopstick so that the mee is well-separated.

The mee is later sheaved onto a sheave.

The wet mee is later poured onto the bowl which was with ketchup, soya-source and pepper in it.

The last task is to mix the mee so that it is well blend with the ketchup, soya-source and pepper. Mamamia!

Make your self a cup of hot Milo and you got yourself a set to eat.


1. Soya source

2. Ketchup

3. Pepper

4. A packet of mee


1. Wok

2. Chopsticks

3. Camera, lol


Debate is a healthy activity.

It keeps oneself intact with facts and figures.

A debate has two sides of a story and neither side is correct or wrong.

The main purpose for two parties to have a debate is to come out with a solution.

We, who are civilized creatures created by God do not have to act like animals.

The significant differences between man and animals, man are given the ability to think.

Coming back to the debate topic.

Debate is crucial as it is a check-and-balance of both sides and the best is taken out of both parties.

Sad to say, not everything debated will be executed. There are politics involved, biasness and etc.

Debates should be done for the benefit as a whole and not individual thoughts.

Besides that, debate helps to instill the facts and figures because debate is not only an empty talk but it is supported with actual facts which have happened or happening.

Once you have a conflict, try to debate among yourselves and two parties will realized that they are right and also wrong. This can only be achieved if both parties are willing to give-in and accept what is good as a whole.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Cup of Lipton Tea

When ever I feel stress.

When ever I want to take a rest.

When ever I think of trash.

I choose this,

Oh, the blessings of natural tea. A natural fat burner plus the feeling of the soothing aroma. Ah...

Too much of tea is inappropriate.

Outing with My Kakis.

I felt bad because I have been delaying Ed's request to go for a drink.

Yesterday, I gave in to his request and set the time at 8 p.m to meet. We decided to call Teh along because it would be just too weird only both of us. *Ahem* (I know what all of you dirty minded humans are thinking)

We drove to Teh's house at around 8 something and drove off to Overseas Union Garden (OUG) and ended up at Steven's Corner.

I ordered nasi goreng ayam (fried rice with fried chicken)and a cup of teh-ice (tea with milk + ice). Ed ordered nasi lemak ayam (fatty rice with fried chicken) and Teh ordered a drink. We talked about football, politics and etc.

After eating, we drove to a pool center in Taman Desa. The name of the pool center was Ezy. Ed was the King. He won almost all the sets. I was always unlucky, my opponent always puts the black ball into the pocket before I do with one or two ball(s) remaining.

The last stop was at Teh's house. Played Poker. After a challenging game, the gang suggested to play mah-jongg. Teh, Ed and Teh's sister played as I was a noob in mah-jongg. Hey, I also learn a thing or two and I realized that there were 82 mah-jongg cubes. What the fuck? I was a kindergarten kid learning ABC.

I decided to call it a day at around 12 a.m. Said bye to the gang and drove home. Stopped by my favourite burger stall to get two burger daging (beef burger) and headed home.

Bla, bla, bla, bla, but I realized that it keeps me sane by joining in groups no doubt I am busy nowadays. It keeps me young and healthy.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Life Lesson: It's A Growing Plant.

Dear readers,

I would like to share a life lesson with all of you.
A special thanks to Aaron for his words of wisdom.

This picture explains the gees of this post,

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They say, a picture tells a thousand words

Life is like a growing seed, it starts from nothing to something.

It is all about naturing and also care.

A plant doesn't grow over-night but days and months.

Days and months here are years for the growth of a human.

Let time and effort do its talking.

Patience is the secret key. Once the door of gold is open, you will feel


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and remember, once up there don't forget to share and give as we were once with nothing.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Feel Inspired Everytime I Hear This Song~

"Kau lah, Ilham Ku" direct translation is "You are my Inspiration".

Yupe, this is a song sang by Malaysia's local artist, Man Bai.

A very meaningful, touching and expressive song.

This song brings the cherished memories. Those sweet memories.

Ah, if only I can turn the clock backwards. Kau Ilhamku

Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday Blue~

I love it on the Monday.

The beginning of the week. Ah, a new beginning from the previous week.

Com'on Marcus, positive thinking. 1..2..3..go go go.

Time is precious. I am not pulling your hairy leg or hairless leg.

The previous post, I was contemplating whether to cut my hair. Second thought, it is not that long after all. Maybe I should keep it for the time being.

A hungry man is an angry man. Woke up, washed up and went to the yong tau fu stall to buy me some cheng chong fun. It is a Chinese mix-food cuisine which have fishballs, fish paste, sausage, pork ball and etc and not forgetting the keow teoy.

A cup of hot Milo blends well with a bowl of cheng chong fun.

Ok, I have to run some errants. A busy bee me. Catch me either at my ShoutMix or myPlurk.


The spirit of the kamikaze lies in the soul of a true fighter.

There is no hesitation but anticipation.

The mind of a kamikaze fighter is about the pride of his country, and himself second.

The word Kamikaze bring the meaning of suicide attacks which was once used by the Japanese for aviation attack.

I have my own kamikaze, which is against knowledge and wisdom.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sign of Relief.

I don't know if I have done the right thing, it might sound that I have no guts but at least I have made a move. I don't want to be that person who only sits in his shell while waiting for things to happen or to take place.

I feel better after expressing myself in that mail which I have sent out. I have voiced out my feelings and just hope that things would change. There is no such thing as natural works as we all have to work hard to gain the things we want. Take for an example, for all those dslr gigs, I am sure you all have to work hard to earn money to buy lenses and the body of the camera. The same thing goes to me.

I have expressed everything in that short mail. The next step would be action. I have been living for 21 years and I know and am able to differentiate my wants and my dons.

No more silly and foolish mistakes. I only can make up for those lost time and also unwanted occasions. Sorry.

Guess Who is Who?

Who are these four mysterious man?

They are current Manchester United players.

Take a guess. Some of you might know the answer.

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40 years of European glory.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I Believe I Can Fly~

The sky is my limit.

The moon is my shade.

The sun is my guardian.

I Believe, I Believe.

I Believe I Can Fly

I Believe I can touch the sky.

The man that conquered his dreams, Michael Jordan is his name.

These were what the big man had to say,

"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen."

"My body could stand the crutches but my mind couldn't stand the sideline."

"My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength."

"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."

"If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome."

"I'm not out there sweating for three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat."

"I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying."

I believe I can, so can You. =)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Let da Music Heal Your Soul~

I can't disagree with the phrase, "Music is Wife Life".

Furthermore, music heals the soul.

Now then, what sort of music heals the soul?

It all depends on each individual. As for me, it would be a mixture of rock, pop, oldies,& country song.

I needed some inspiration in my life so I got hold of my hand-phone and chose some songs which I have transfered from my PC to my phone.

As I pressed on the Menu which button is on the top right-hand corner of the keypad, I came here to a lists of icons. I played with the joy-stick of my phone and went to Music player

I was brought to a screen which indicates Artist, Tracks and Playlist. I chose Artist.

My first song was 'I Will' from Avril Lavigne's.

A meaningful song. I will be a better person because of you. Thank-you.

Next was David Cook, 'The Time Of My Life".

The song is extremely meaningful, it's about what happened in our life that molded who we are today. *Singing with dignity*

The third song was, 'I Can't Unlove You by Kenny Rodgers.

I felt a little bit hungry when I heard this song. Not that the meanings of the lyrics have any elements of food but it was about Kenny Rodgers Restaurant. :)

Yupe, I can't unlove you!

Last but not least, Girlfriend by Avril Lagvigne again.

"Hey hey, you you, want to be my girlfriend?"