Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Today was another usual tomorrow and I would like to recap what was yesterday. Since I am quite free to at least entertain my blog, here it goes.

Yesterday, was another day where I spend my time in exile at home. Not that I have stole the public's money or anything but the mood of getting something to do wasn't in my CPU a.k.a brain. I am trying but went out of luck. My buddy has been concern over my state of well-being and decided to help me with some job-hunting. Thanks, Png.

I have been studying a lot of subjects lately. Not too serious a research but light reading. I have been doing some light reading about cars and petrol. Since the issue of oil prices fluctuating, I have been visiting very now and then to see the latest price of oil/ barrel. The reduce of unleaded petrol from MYR 2.70 to MYR 2.55 by the government isn't too convincing but it still help the public to safe a few cents for every litter of petrol.

I was out having lunch at one of the Ipoh Old Town outlet with my brother and saw an accident involving a motorcycle and I'm not sure of the other vehicle. Why wasn't I sure of the other vehicle? When I drove closer to the accident scene, I only saw a motorcycle lying on the floor. As I came to the scene, I saw a women and a child on the floor. They were badly hurt. Fortunately, there was a police car just traveling along the same road and the police rushed to the scene. A few people rushed to the scene to help the mother and child.

Hoping for a silver line on my cloud now. I am getting into the right mood but only having short of fire-power. Okay, got to get something to eat now.

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